I am attempting a design per
Fred's berm shed ideas.
I trust that Fred and Paul will critique this going forward.
1) Fred wants a middle cell 12 feet wide;
2) Fred wants side cells 6 feet wide;
3) Fred wants a depth of 18 feet;
4) Paul wants to employ the "attic" cell design at the berm shed's termination ends. This is the termination cell design that
Josiah was a part of developing at base camp's current berm shed.
My model short-comings:
1) I modeled the round
wood timber as large square timber to make my work easier at this stage;
2) I didn't place a fascia board and the cute shingles in front, as seen on base camp berm shed;
3) I didn't place the moisture barrier layer and soils above.
My assumptions:
1) Over-hang in front needs to be 2 foot;
2) Borrow column and beam techniques from base camp berm shed;
3) I provided a truck over-head clearance of 11'-6" at the first beam.
4) The beam heights step down 1 foot for each column going into the shed resulting in a slope of 2:12.
1) Does the base camp berm shed have two moisture barrier layers? One wrapping the structure, and one just below the growing surface? I don't think it does, but I have that question.