After a few years of thought and planning I’ve decided to add a pair of kunekune feeder pigs to my chore list for the next years as a grow out
project for meat for my family. I’m going to rationally graze them here on the farmstead with electric netting and portable
shelter. They will receive supplemental
feed and free choice minerals.
I’m looking to pick up a couple feeders at a reasonable price . Most sites/breeders I’ve come across are interested in selling registers stick for breeding or pets and the price in my opinion is entirely to high for a feeder. We are located just outside Elizabeth
city in North Carolina Ana’s are looking to buy a pair of sows or borrows or a combination that we can grow out and process ourselves.
If anyone knows anyone that sells feeders with in a day trip of this location it would be greatly appreciated. You can dm and I can share my contact info to make this process simpler.
Thank you very much for any advice or help finding our future piglets .