To get pictures off my game cam, I have to approach it (while it takes pictures of me if there is no behind-the-cam approach), open it, shut it off so it stops taking pictures, remove the memory card, then insert the memory card into an adapter that inserts into my Android phone (when I remembered to bring the adapter with me). Then I can view and delete pictures from the memory card, and/or download them to my phone storage. There has got to be a game camera out there that someone has that doesn't require all these steps. Maybe it has a cord built into it that just plugs into your phone to access photos? Maybe you can connect to it with your phone using bluetooth? If you use something like this, please describe how it works, the model of game cam you use, and also a picture of the game cam innards would be great too!
Here is the one I have, which I purchased at Costco:
The brand is Stealth Cam. The best thing about it is that the batteries last a long time, like more than a year even when taking a few pictures a week.
The memory card reader I use looks like this one: