Up until now we've been using a
local version of the Langstroth hive, but my other half wants to experiment. So he's been busy playing in his shed...
And has emerged with this - his first top-bar hive. He calls it his honey-cow.
Followed closely by a second one, this time with a varroa mesh floor. The theory is that when the varroa mites fall off the
bees, they will fall right through the mesh and not be able to climb back onto the
bees. Dunno if it works, but he wants to experiment.
And he's cleared a bit of
land ready to put them on. We're hoping that if we keep the cistus at bay, the place will fill up with lavender, and we can plant a few apricot and almond
trees around the area for shade and blossom for the bees.
Now all he has to do is figure out how to take a split off one of the Langstroth colonies and get it into one of the top-bar hives...
All advice welcome!