I have a concrete/gunite in ground pool a little smaller than your area. Just telling you what I did with it, not suggesting anything.
The people in AZ (not sure if it's the same people that were mentioned before in the other posts) that I loosely copied go under the business name of Gardenpool.org or something. I think they now consult people on how to turn their in ground pools into greenhouse/growing areas. Some cool ideas on their site, and I think years ago they posted on this site.
I first tried doming my in ground pool similar to how they did and using it as
greenhouse. It got over 100F in January when the outside temperature was more like 50F (I'm six miles from northern AZ border) so I had to have a fan running all day to keep it cool. It would still drop below freezing at night when the temps outside got below 30F. I found the extreme swing in temperatures annoying. I tried keeping a couple of hundred gallons of water in the deep end to act as a heat battery, but it didn't seem to help much other than right above the water.
I gave up on it after a few months. I was just getting into
gardening, had no idea what I was doing, and sometimes think I might try it again now that I know a little bit more.
That being said, that same pool has been my
chicken coop,
compost pit, wood chip reservoir, compost tea brewer, egg making, FIRE ANT breeding, science
project for the last few years. By filling the pool with free wood chips, I am now able to make all of my compost on site. It is a lot of labor to shovel the chips into a garbage can, haul the garbage can up the stairs of the pool, over to the screen sifter, and then sift out the bigger chunks. All of my food scraps go in the pool, all the
yard trimmings from the property (I'm on 1/3 acre urban with no lawns), and pretty much anything organic I would otherwise throw away. I put hardware cloth over the domed area where the plastic for the
greenhouse was. The compost tea is basically just rain water that the pool naturally collects and that I can pump out with a bilge in the deep end. My area has had so little rain the last year I haven't pumped any tea/water out for the last year. There has been water under the wood chips for the last year, though. It is accelerating the breakdown of the wood chips, and there is a certain sweet spot of moisture where I have a vane of mycellium/fungi growing. The top layer is dead and dry, but several inches down is full of life. Worms, and all kinds of insects. It's ugly, but it works really well, and it produces quite a lot of food (eggs), fertilizer (
chicken manure), and again all the compost I could ever want.
I don't really have any predators to cause problems. My
chickens free range a lot of the year outside the pool, and I leave the door wide open 24/7 and have never had any predator cause any problem. Occasionally a neighborhood cat will show up in my yard, but again, I never lost a chicken to predators. I also have not noticed any rat problems here. I'm sure there are
mice, but they've never caused any problems for me. The wood chips eat the small of the chicken manure and food scraps.
Here's the website for gardenpool.
https://gardenpool.org/ I think they have some videos on youtube as well.
I've posted tons of pictures of my setup in other threads I've made.
Good luck, I'd love to see pictures of what you end up doing with it.
Edit, here's the
video that inspired me.