Howdy Dustin,
This is a great topic, one I wish someone would have given me their thoughts on. I've built a post and beam Hogan style cabin. It's lovely except for one part, in retrospect, that I would do over to be completely sure of its longevity. I did the PSP technique on all the vertical posts which as it stands, is I think, worthy of consideration, however, in 20 more years I'm not sure what the state of my logs will be. I'm speaking to my particular situation mind you. Therefore, in retrospect and in my opinion the most straightforward way to ensure longevity of your building's vertical posts would be as earlier posters suggested, sonotubes with the strap to tie everything down, plus one or two more things.
I have studied and taken classes on things like
cob, and most alternative architecture vernaculars, including a building an earth ship for a few days and while those ideas are brilliant and create lovely homes, there are some things that perhaps on the face of it which should be considered and that's difficult to do in your sitting room. Here's what I have gleaned as a straightforward methodology to create a strong wall/foundation connection that will not rot. First, and beginning in Mother Earth, we need to prevent frost heaves, so we must put our foundation down as far as the frost line. Second, there must be a barrier to
water which can be solved very easily by a sacrificial block and/or a piece of garbage bag. Third, the structure should be tied to the foundation so, it cannot shift or "blow off". Fourth, other than a problem with the earth being too soft and your structure sinking, at first glance I think that covers it.
My suggestion, for your consideration then is the following: Sonotube to the depth of frost, with a piece or two of vertical rebar and proud of grade with a strap to secure your post to. On top of the concrete, a sacrificial block say one or two inches thick with a piece of plastic between the block and the concrete. The post goes on top of the sacrificial block. To review, you now have no way for water to enter your vertical post because of the plastic and sacrificial block which you can replace if it seems to be rotting. Frost heaves will not be possible and you can fill the sonotubes easily mixing concrete in your wheel barrow. Nice and low tech, except perhaps for the augering.
One last point, depending the level of ground water in your area and the season, if its high
enough say in Spring when the snow melts, the voids in the gravel will or can fill up with water, (the path of least resistance and all that) and possibly freeze in cold weather. Of
course, after a few years it will all silt together if your don't use fabric etc. To sum up, for the kind of structure you describe, you might want to consider the above. Good luck on a worthy
Mitama farm