Sigh! A cute, and I think healthy calf plopped onto the cold, wet pasture a few hours ago. Mom ignored it the entire time.
I skiddaddled off to the farm store, got some colostrum powder. Mixed with
water, picked up the calf, got it out of the cold wet pasture into a cold dry horse stall. Started feeding it, he eventually got a hang of the bottle.
It's too cold out here, the boss says, let's bring him inside! 'You're only saying that because he's shivering so much.'
Sigh. She's right. He's in my
Determining the difference between Bockings 4 and 14 is done by consensus. It's like trying to identify the difference between twins.
"There are other spots on the web to get my fix proving someone is an idiot but no other place for what I get here." -- former permie Brice Moss, 2012.