We have a few spots left in our DETROIT URBAN
PERMACULTURE DESIGN COURSE....tuition starts at 300 dollars! If you know anyone that could attend please pass along the info...http://auroradesignsolutions.com/courses/urban-permaculture-design/
Instructors: Larry Santoyo and Keith D. Johnson
When: July 22 through August 4, 2012, 9am tp 5pm.
Where: Corktown, Midtown, and Eastern Market, Detroit, MI
Venue: Spirit of Hope Church & Spirit Farm
Address: 1519 Martin Luther King Drive, Detroit, MI, 48208
Cost: 300-1800 Dollars
Course Syllabus and Lecture Schedule
A 12 day program, divided into three parts, offered
as a 2 Week Intensive.
PDC Syllabus:
• Principles of Natural Systems
Sustainable Design Methodologies
• Patterns in Nature, Culture and Society
• Reading the
Land & Understanding Natural Processes
• Large Scale Land Restoration Techniques
Water Harvesting Techniques
• Design Principles of Sustainable Human Settlements
• Grey Water Recycling
• Natural Building Strategies
• Cultivated & Productive Ecologies
• Food Forests, Plant Guilds, Gardens for Self-Sufficiency
Energy Conservation Technologies
• Appropriate Technologies and Renewable Energies
• Urban Environment
• Wildlife Management and Biological Pest Control
• Land Arts and Community Activism
• Invisible Structures: EcoVillages & Credit Unions
• Community Supported Agriculture
• Strategies for an Alternative Nation
• At the end of the
class, students engage in a group design
PDC Part One 7/22-25
"Fire, Water, Earth & Air... New Ecology and Sacred Geometry": Introduction to
Permaculture Design and Natural Pattern Understanding
7/22-Day 1-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Course description, group introductions, site orientation & house rules,
Permaculture Design ethics, theory, Indicators of Sustainability. This session will introduce the guiding philosophies and fundamental methodologies of Permaculture Design. Students will develop skills for recognizing the intrinsic characteristics of natural systems.
7/23-Day 2-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Concepts and themes of design, origins of form, design methodologies, zones and sectors, base mapping, procedures of property design, design teams. Permaculture design emphasizes the patterning of landscape, function and species relationships. Concepts of flow patterns, guilds, edge effects and harmonics are covered in this section with reference to specific site examples. Students will begin to formulate their own ideas for site improvement using Permaculture principles. Each student will be assigned to a Design team, and each team will be responsible for a final group presentation.
7/24-Day 3-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Water &
trees, Keyline Design, the hydrologic cycle, global climate, agroforestry. Water has been called the stuff of life. Without it, life is not possible. We will examine unique approaches to water harvesting, storage and utilization, and the role of trees and their energy in landscapes to manage water, store
carbon and provide other benefits to agricultural zones.
7/25-Day 4-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Urban Restoration, temperate and tropic zones, reversing erosion, management practices, difficult soils,
compost, mulch, earth works. Cultivating Soil Fertility: The soil is alive! This workshop will cover key strategies for improving soil health naturally, and reducing the classic problems of pests, weeds and pathogens. Soil classifications and the role of soil in nutrient cycling and plant nutrition will be covered, along with restorative earth works and necessary equipment.
7/26-One Day Break
PDC Part Two 7/27-30
"Food, Water, Shelter...Earth-Friendly Techniques & Technologies": Building the Home Ecosystem. The second Part will focus on techniques and technologies for designing & building a complete home ecosystem, restorative agriculture and natural building.
7/27-Day-5 Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Zone and Sector Planning, Zones 1 and 2, home scale projects, house design, green interiors, cooking, cooling, heating, building techniques; straw-bale,
cob, earth-bags. The Permaculture concepts of zones and sectors helps land stewards and community designers make best use of a given site. We will cover the application of landscape profiles, base maps, and on-site analysis to assist in the logical orientation of design elements.
7/28-Day-6 Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Zones 3 and 4. Broad scale design, alternative transportation wind and
solar energy, micro climates, working in other climates of the world, restoration of degraded lands.This workshop will provide students with an overview of large property designs and, renewable and affordable technologies, with a Permaculture Design emphasis on how to assess their relative appropriateness to a given circumstance.
7/29-Day-7 Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Zone 5. Wilderness preservation, ponds, polycultures, water works, grey water systems, water harvesting.
Aquaculture and wetland environments are among the most productive on the planet.
They nourish plant life, provide habitat, help recycle natural resources and more. This course section will survey the world's principal wetland habitats, both natural and manmade: marshes, estuaries, chinampas, Keyline ponds and constructed wetland.
7/30-Day-8 Spirit of Hope Church, and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Zones 5 and beyond; Eco-Urbanism Equals Wilderness Preservation. Animals in Permaculture; animals and insects offer an astonishing array of intrinsic factors that can prove invaluable to a design. Holistic management of a site using animals...
7/31-One Day Break
PDC Part Three 8/1-4
Creating Community...Self-Reliance, Eco-Village and Eco-Economics: EcoVillage Design and Community Celebration. The final session will feature community building & "creating a sense of place," patterns of human dynamics, intentional communities & eco-villages. We will learn strategies for creating community-wide sustainability and methods for finding our own right-livelihoods.
8/1-Day-9 Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
MicroVillage, Village design concepts, collaborative housing, design teams. Eco-Villages and Invisible Structures. Various strategies for the design and development of intentional communities and eco-villages will be considered, including legal structures and sociological ramifications.
8/2-Day 10-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Cooperatives, LLC, credit unions, trusts, EarthBanks, and
local currencies, review of Principles. EcoVillage design and strategies for Urban Links. Invisible Structures underlie the arrangement of human societies, and involve psychological, political and economic patterns. These hidden frameworks for human interaction link the Permaculturist and one's site to society at large, and exert a profound influence on how decisions are made and, how effective they can be over time.
8/3-Day 11-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Products, services and skills, and community organizations. A principal challenge to moving off the grid and into more holistic lifestyles is meeting one's daily needs. Ideas for establishing community-scale industry, bioregional associations, and for increasing self-sufficiency will be shared.
8/5-Day 12-Spirit of Hope Church and Spirit Farm, 9am to 5pm
Global issues and permaculture, starting a permaculture consultancy, starting a MicroVillage group, "where do we go from here?", Designer apprenticeships, design presentations, Talent & Trade Show. This is when we invite the public to share in our celebration of completion of the course with a public presentation. All are welcome, food and snacks provided.
Please give me a call at 616-248-9864, or email