This weird fungus has been traveling across my greenhouse bed. Here it is on newly planted few day old daikons. Previously it will loose its brilliant yellow color in a day or two, solidify into a cream colored mass that looks like a melted marshmallow and then turn darker brown. at that point I can break it up and the previous plants that it has covered seem to be no worse from it having been there.
Our inability to change everything should not stop us from changing what we can.
Ooh - that looks like some kind of slime mold. They're amazing things. I studied them once in an OU degree I started. As I remember they are single-celled organisms that decide to club together and function as a a single, multi-cellular organism when it's time to reproduce.
From what I read, it's wet+carbon that does it. It pops up on my straw every now ad again. Looks gross, no harm. I pick it up and throw it in the compost.