Posting this here sort of as an organizer. I have a lot of small goals within my garden, each is a
project in and of itself, but here is the master-list as it currently stands.
Things I'd like to do.
Growing and Food prep →
Propagate mint and lemonbalm.
Borrow or buy a paddy and grow rice
Grow chinese cabbage and make kimchi and tsukemono
Grow cabbage and make sauerkraut
Grow cucumbers and make pickles and relish
Grow daikon and turnips and make tsukemono
Grow chilli peppers and make my own mild hot sauce
Grow sesame seeds
Grow ginger
Use garden plants and flowers for decorations and garnishes -> Especially: Nandina, ハラン (aspidistra elatior), nasturtium, bay, jap. Honeywort, and other herbs
Learn to make stuffed grape leaves (dolmas) and/or stuffed nasturtiums.
Drying and Preserving →
Dry sage, thyme, and mint.
Dry peppermint and chamomile for tea.
Dry orange peels.
Dry apples, persimmons, apricots, sweet potatoes
Sun-dry tomatoes
apple cider vinegar
Dry and pickle ume to make umeboshi
Make kumquat marmalade (done), blueberry, strawberry, and blackberry jam
Woodworking and Crafts →
Seal and dry reasonably sized pruned branches from good woods like cherry, plum, laurel, maple to make small crafts.
Carve a full set of wooden kitchen utensils and tableware
Replace missing tool handles with available wood.
Make a shaving horse (done)
Make a
solar dehydrator
Make a treadle lathe
Make a Japanese planing board (in progress)
Turn chess pieces and make other wooden board
Make a miniature buried
root cellar for storing extras.
Make a holiday wreath (done with mulberry, nandina, and bay laurel)
Animals →
chickens and or ducks, at least for eggs, possibly for meat in the future.
Perhaps one day raise
rabbits for eating, depending on quite a few factors.
Perhaps one day rebuild a koi
Record bird species visitors
Learn to recognize various small critters and insects in various stages of their life.
Perhaps raise beetles (if it's something my kids are interested in)
Foraging →
Locate and record our mountain producers like bamboo shoots and chestnuts.
Make a full catalog of plants growing in my garden and other
Learn to identify common Japanese mountain vegetables like warabi, zenmai, itadori, and udo.