After many years I still remember my pass-along plants and who gave them to me. I love walking through my garden and picking out particular plants and remembering the friends that pass them along to me.
My first pass-along plants were mostly houseplants.
I had an aloe vera plant that was given to me as one of the many babies the plant produces. Then I gave our daughter a baby many years ago. I am not sure what happened to my original plant but not long ago, our daughter gave me another one of its babies.
Pass-along plants are easily propagated and given away as bulbs, seeds, cuttings, or divisions.
What pass-along plants have you been given or passed along?
These are some example of plants that have been passed along to me:
Aloe Vera
Spider Plant
Cemetery Iris
Garlic Chives
If you would like some pass-along seeds, some of our members are doing just that.
Seeds Want to Go Places!!