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Aureon Energy LTD.

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Some of you may already be aware of this development, but for those who are not, I want to offer this information to get you up to speed with where I see things going.  Electricity is going to become a lot cheaper and more plentiful.  

Why do I say this?

I say this because a competing theory for how our star's system of nuclear fusion works was tested and found to be solid.  In short, the nuclear reactions that create the heat and light we are so familiar with come, not from within the interior of the Sun, but on it's surface.  To test this theory, a first class scientific instrument was constructed and tests have been run on it for the last few years.  With the conclusive evidence derived from these experiments a few things were learned.  One is that fusion can take place at temperatures far lower than what mainstream science is currently pursuing.  Another is that the half-life of nuclear materials, as in nuclear waste, is drastically reduced when put in proximity to the energy fields produced by the plasma in the reactor core.  Another, and probably the most important, is that when properly set up and balanced, the device can run at over unity, this being possible only because of the energy being released by the transmutation of hydrogen and other basic elements as the plasma reaction runs.

This technology is not being commercialized and I expect it to one day supplant natural gas/coal and nuclear powered electrical generating facilities.   Especially attractive is the potential for simply upgrading the existing facilities to use the heat generated by the Plasma Reactor instead of burning fossil fuels or using uranium to boil water for steam.  It will also be used to remediate the nuclear waste left over from our nuclear power plants, reducing it to non-hazardous material.

Here is a link to get you started if you want to learn more.

Our Universe is electric.
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For control they ran electricity thru some normal wire (copper/aluminium) and said that 1000W of electricity produced 1000W of heat.

Then to prove their point they ran 1000W of electricity thru some radioactive wire and said look it is producing 1500W of heat.
Even when we turn off the electricity it still produce 500W of heat. And when we add some "purple hydrogen" it reduces the half life of the radioactive wire (think Plutonium wire). How much reduction you might ask, well we aren't going to say yet, maybe it saves 1 second out of 1 million years, but hey that is still a reduction.
Hot Radioactive Waste
Hot Radioactive Waste
Thomas Tipton
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S Bengi

Would you mind sharing the link to the content you are referencing?
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We don't even need hot fusion,
The cold fusion[0] that happens in special devices [1] can turn the energy provided[2] into four times as much[3].

[0] No, I don't know either what that is.
[1] heatpumps
[2] electrical energy
[3] compared to how much electrical energy a resistor based heater would use
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The diagram reminds me of the macguffin from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Khaaaaaaaaan!), especially the way nuclear waste, which is literally underlined in green text reading "radioactive," is thrown in there without an explanation as to why it's there or what it's doing. It's like the protomatter in the Genesis device. It's the mysterious component, along with "catalysts" in the hydrogen, that is responsible for and explains the "transmutation" responsible for energy production over unity.

Two things stuck out to me before Ian launched his very detailed deconstruction. The first was word usage. Real scientists are definitely not going to use a term traditionally linked to alchemy to describe any new process. They'd use the terminology available to them in their field to come up with a credible and descriptive term that doesn't make one think automatically of alchemy, and people trying anything they could think of to remain young, or alive, or to create vast wealth for no work.

Any explanation that smacks of magical thinking is suspect.

The second thing I noticed was that nobody else in the world is really talking about them. If it had as much potential as is claimed, wouldn't we be hearing at least as much about Aureon as we are about the Bill Gates-backed synchronised solar mirror array set to replace fossil fuels in industrial processes requiring heat?

You'd have to silence the NIMBY party, but I bet that those heat engines the OP referred to, decomissioned coal and aging gas plant infrastructure that still heat water to make steam to move turbines, could be powered in at least half of the untied states year-round by such synchronised solar mirror arrays distributed in the areas to the immediate north of power plants retrofitted to be heated that way.

Is the term "overunity" used in professional circles, or is it an artefact of alternative energy conspiracists?

And the electric universe idea again? Everyone knows that the universe is underlaid with a vast network of interdimensional mycorrhizae.

Thomas Tipton
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This video does a very good job of explaining the shortcomings of mainstream cosmology to explain recent discoveries and the success of the EU to not only explain such phenomena, but to predict it.
Thomas Tipton
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And this.
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I would love to see their financial position. I tried to find stock prices or investment opportunities but I cam up empty. I feel like watching the money can tell you a lot about whether the idea is legit or not.
Thomas Tipton
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You will find in earlier news that Aureon had concluded it's "SAFE" round of investment fundraising"  
Per their claims, they attracted far more financial support than expected.  I was hoping to get into some sort of small position with them but the requirements stipulated that one had to be a "Qualified Investor", and that was someone who makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and has enough cash reserves that they would not likely be hurt if the venture were to fail.  Sadly, I do not qualify as such.  

I expect at some point the technology to be leased to the companies that own your local power generating station as at its core, it is really just another means to boil water and make steam for driving a turbine.  

Maybe somewhere down the road we can at least get some common stock.
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To my knowledge no one has been able to replicate the transmutation bit. In their presentations they make the point that the half dozen or so elements "created" in their plasma device are among those elements discovered in space. Regardless of why they make this point, the first thing that occurred to me about those particular elements is that they are all used in cleaning fluids. The purity of the materials used to construct the device is also in question.

I'm not saying that transmutation didn't occur, but it is all important that the obvious answers are eliminated before making the transmutation claim.
Then there's the matter of transmuting radioactive elements to non-radioactive elements using this plasma device. The effect has yet to be demonstrated or replicated elsewhere. I don't know that Aureon has actually done this themselves.

Until Aureon can substantiate their claims, AND their test results are replicated by others, it is far too premature for them to announce commercial applications. Aureon has been paid to perform research work for a number of organizations including the U.S. Government. IMHO they are desperate to maintain an appearance of credibility. They also have to maintain the support of the EUT crowd, lest they lose financial backing from that avenue.

If Aureon could no-shit-no-kidding PROVE what they claim, if other plasma labs could replicate their findings,  I'd be the first one in line to purchase stock in the company. Thus far keeping my money in shares of Pepsi Cola is a far better investment.
Thomas Tipton
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Hi Craig.

Thanks for chiming in on the thread.  I cannot vouch for the accuracy of Aureon's claims, though I have been following their work since nearly the beginning with the early "Star in a Jar" prototype.  Extraordinary claims do require extraordinary evidence, that much is for certain.  However, Aureon is not publicly funded and it's intellectual property is not open source.  The SAFIRE laboratory is a one-of-a kind plasma research device, so it is no wonder no one else has duplicated their results.  Unless, of course, there are other researchers engaged in exactly this type of research.  I am not aware of any.  The evidence for the EUT seems to be growing consistently.  With every new contact with asteroids and comets we gain new insights as to how the EUT predicts the outcomes whereas the current cosmological paradigm is found wanting.  If the Aureon team can actually scale this technology up to the point where we are refitting natural gas and coal fired power plant boilers with plasma chambers for boiling water for steam driven electric generation then the goal of meaningful fossil fuel emissions reduction can happen.  Others in this thread have claimed the group is engaged in outright fraud, but I cannot find any evidence of that, nor have the accusers provided any.  For what it's worth, I think Plasma Physics is going to be the next big thing in science and industry.
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