I am looking for tips on how to approach a 35 acre property that is in zone 4a, with a mostly southern exposure, and - here's the fun part - was harvested by a timber company (previous owners) last year. I mention that last bit because in the process of harvesting, the timber company has altered the landscape in some interesting ways: LOTS of tree slash of different sizes, stumps, sporadic 1-4 foot ruts where their giant tree chopper was driving, and also clearings where this machine drove. I've already started to make brush piles for wildlife habitat with the slash and many of the ruts formed decent sized puddles back in the Spring. It's about 95% maples with some birch patches, and a handful of both Eastern White Pine and pretty young White Oak. The back of property is about 80 ft. higher than the front and there's a good driveway (quality-wise not placement) already in place. Also lots of stones and few big boulders and outcroppings. No
water features though. I attached some pictures.
I mostly want to start figuring out water and creating some plant diversity and wildlife habitat. I would love to hear any tips on planting guilds amongst the forest that will play well with the generally pretty rocky soil (technically, cobbly silt loam).
I am thinking next year we will start building a
hugelkultur mounds or two and grow some food. Will post some of our future projects but I wanted to post this to see if I could get some tips specific to a Maple forest.