Hi Kete,
Have to admit.... I had just finished watering those seedlings when I sat down to take a break and saw your picture. What a surprise! So I ran out and took these pictures. True, I just need to barely cover the soil here to get things to grow in high desert country. Just a little shade is awesome.
Something else here really surprises me too. Every spring we get lots of wind for a month or two. And every year those winds blow in lots of different seeds of many grasses and weeds. And a lot of the time these are plants that I have never seen growing here in the 10+ years I've been here. Every year it's so different! That amazes me! Most of the time they're awful and on the Arizona list of noxious, super invasive weeds. I usually try to cut them all down or pull them all out before they go to seed. But 3 years ago I noticed that a big section of my backyard was just covered in this lush and pretty 18” tall grass. Boy, you take your eyes off a spot for just one minute and look what happens! I wondered where in the world that came from. I realized it grew in clumps and was really easy to pull out. I thought WOW, Mother Nature is finally giving me something I can put to very good use! So I left it to go to seed and die before I pulled it out and piled it up for mulch. Well, I haven't seen any of that grass growing here since then! Not a blade! Perhaps it goes dormant for years before it comes back again.
Anyway, my stockpile is almost gone and I will have to look for something new to use because it works so well on my root vegetables. I've tried pine needles in the past but they soak up too much water and get matted down on top of the pretty little sprouts. Long, thin, dry grass hardly soaks up any water and just floats over the surface holding in a little bit of moisture and the sprouts just push them out of the way. And I like Diakon radish too. In fact I like the green tops even more than the
roots. I add the tops to all of my vegetable soups and stir fries. Happy
gardening everyone.