edward, to be clear, we generally say yellowjackets are a kind of wasp. we tend to call paper wasps and mud daubers and ichneumons and pompilids, etc etc, wasps, too. kind of a large grouping. things like bald-faced hornets and the cicada-killers, while actually closer-related phylogenetically to yellowjackets (family Vespidae), we call hornets…but we hopefully know that they’re wasps too…
and when i say ‘we’, i’m not particularly sure who i’m talking about. i’m something of a taxonomy geek who nearly went to grad school for entomology taxonomy. i know i’m not speaking for everyone, since there are 100+ species of
ants in my area (really, probably over 200), and i know of a fair number of folks who would say ‘there’s red ants and black ants, that’s all)…
…aaaaanyway, not trying to derail your
thread. that a frequently hated bug may a bit of a natural control for spotted lanternfly is awesome.