posted 3 years ago
Whether management of debris at the base of a plant will control the pests depends a whole lot on the particular species that are your pests. I'm not sure what "leaf lice" are, but they might be aphids, thrips, scales, whiteflies, leafhoppers, etc. Most of these fly readily and can colonize new host plants from far away. So, management of debris on the ground will help little or not at all. Most mites are not host-specific and also fly (by "ballooning" with their silk), but they DO overwinter in leaf litter so controlling leaf litter may delay mite colonization next spring.
Anyhow, bottom lines for effectiveness of any integrated pest management (IPM) tactic are the particular pest involved and its life cycle. Sometimes controlling leaf litter is helpful, sometimes it may be counterproductive by eliminating hiding places for predatory and parasitic insects.