Geoff, I just watched your
Zaytuna Farm Video and was absolutely thrilled! I wish my climate allowed for the diversity of
perennial food plants you have there.
I would really, really welcome any design thoughts or suggestions for things that might work on my is a daunting
I am in hardiness zone 2b and it's quite dry. Undisturbed sites (a rarity!) are a 'parkland' mosaic of grassland and aspen dominated woods. I have some
native parkland to preserve, and a large area of cultivated
land that has previously been in industrial monocrop. I want to convert the bulk of this to permanent pasture / parkland and keep about five acres in crops.
I rotational graze
cattle and sheep, and plan on adding
chicken and turkey. I can easily propagate siberian
pea tree, serviceberry, willow and a hybrid poplar and would like to establish a hedgerow / alley system. In the crop area I am planning on rotating green manures, grazing and annual crops (dry beans, potatoes, squash, small grains, etc.) There are good locations to add an additional
pond or two, and swales if i can ever afford the earthwork.
The weed seedbank and perennial weeds are a nightmare and I'm hoping to start sowing maincrops into mulch, or perhaps into grazed and winter killed green manures.
We can grow a few hardy cherries and apples, but they are slow getting going. The native forest could provide serviceberry, chokecherry, rasberry, pincherry, cat tails,
rose hips,
deer, and moose.
thank you for any thoughts!