Thank you so very much for answering. I will check out what you refer me to.
What you say makes sense, and I was guessing that something of that nature would help. It resonates with the Japanese people's
experience with miso, and what is seen on biodynamic farms. Intuitively I always felt that something like this made the most sense, especially as the soil microorganisms help the plants take up the good minerals they need. I imagine they show intelligence in making the healthy minerals available.
Plus, I am SO vastly much happier myself around humusy soil, which of
course helps a lot.
Our Earth Mother is amazingly able to heal herself, and I am happy to help her.
I am breathing more deeply.
I am in the process of putting massive amounts of polycultural mulch on the 1/4 acre on the outskirts of Portland where we are starting a food forest, and planting many comfrey plants, and some elaeagnus trees and shrubs. I will expand the range and number of such plants. I also have ready access to second growth forests that have been reforesting for about 100 years, where I can respectfully, with care for the ecosystem, gather some soil that will hold beneficial micro-organisms. I am also learning to make
compost tea, and about Korean natural farming, where they cultivate good soil organisms in large numbers. Although I am sorry that this woman was ill, a former owner of this house and
land was ill for many years and let the back
yard run wild, so there was a lot of regeneration of this land which was a
dairy farm until about 1980. There is more humus than would otherwise be the case in the soil. Humus building fascinates me and I love working on it.
I am one who is very proactive and does not allow myself to be victimized. AND I share what I learn WIDELY. I have this feisty streak where I actually enjoy challenges like this.
Paul Stamets has a lot of info about using
mushrooms to mop up radioactivity, but the problem of what to do with the radioactive mushrooms remains.
Obviously there will be more and more research on this, due to the need.
No nukes. I have done activism for 50 years to stop all forms of nuclear anything. I have NEVER seen this level of opposition to nuclear power, so I see this as the tipping point, although I wish it had come sooner, like in July of 1945, or that this had never happened.
Many Thanks and Many Blessings,
Pamela Melcher