A couple other things I noticed from your linked site. That site says 60 gals a day. It also says "The system works by drawing in humid air and compressing or condensing it to a level where the water collates. The Water
Freedom System, therefore, will guide you to build the condensation device." It sounds like he is talking about building a very large dehumidifier. But then he goes on to say that you will need to come up with a list of things including:
A new dehumidifier
One cabin air filter
A water filter dispenser
A submersible water pump
Clear vinyl tubing of different sizes
These are the main components of the machine, according to the site:
A 55-gallon plastic barrel drum and lid
Another plastic lid that will fit inside the barrel
A round piece of plywood
He goes on to tell a little more about the building process. In essence, it sounds like he is using a 55 gallons drum to contain a large dehumidifier and then filtering the water it pulls from the air. There isn't really anything wrong with that, except that to get 60 gals a day would be impossible with only one of these, so you will need more than one.
This is from a dehumidifier site. "Whole-House Dehumidifiers are large; thus, the amount of water vapor extracted is much more than that extracted by room or portable dehumidifiers. Consequently, the amount that accumulates in the water collection
bucket is more as you use larger units. Meanwhile, most room dehumidifiers can only remove around 40 to 50 pints of moisture per day from an average room around 2,000 square feet. " as well as
"With the exception of desiccant dehumidifiers, the ability of the dehumidifier to collect water depends on its power, temperature, and relative humidity level. The majority of machines can extract around 2 to 5 gallons of water per day. However, with larger dehumidifiers, you can collect up to 13 gallons at 85% relative humidity and around 86° F."
I can't imagine the electricity costs to run one that would provide 60 gals a day.
It would be great if there were more details given, of if someone had built one of these and posted it on youtube or something. I can't find a single actual review of the material, only dozens of sites selling it.