BRK Post 85
Spent the morning here doing a
water run with Nine. Even with it being in the 50's and cloudy we still chose to jump in the creek. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be immersed in the natural flowing water.
It took about three hours to get all of the water put out. I used three sprinklers and a hose at the same time. I think tomorrow I'll water the secondary gardens with the fire hose and do multiple runs.
It was Linux practice day with Orin too. He explained how to navigate through directories to find programs, hardware info, and software info. We learned what and how libraries are organized. And he gave us resources he uses to find answers to his own questions. He is really expanding my understanding of computers.
Since nothing I did today makes for good photos, today is flower picture day. There are flowers everywhere, many I don't know on sight yet. These are just some of the most showy ones. It would be a shame to miss the chance to share them and by documenting them I'll know when they flower here.