For the past 3 months I've been working on a new small farm food
project (you can read about it in the Growies--Small Farm
thread), and we have been growing some root crops. I have seen some root splitting and I'm not totally sure of the cause. We run drip irrigation, often 5 times a week. Plus we saw more root splitting the week after a natural rain. So could it possibly be too much water? Possibly. Our crops get a light fertilization weekly in the form of
compost teas, thus they are growing rapidly. So a combination of rapid growth and too much water might be the common cause. That's my best guess.
We saw some carrot splitting, perhaps one carrot out of 20 harvested. I would have expected to see it in just the larger carrots, but that wasn't the case. Splits occurred in all sizes. We sold the splits are "uglies" at half price.
We only had a small test plot of daikons, and out of the 20 harvested, 2 had splits.
We have a goodly amount of beets, perhaps 100 foot of row harvested so far. So that translates into perhaps 300-400 beets. I have seen a few split reds, a couple split whites, but more in the gold. About 5% of the golds have had split
roots. So possibly the gold ones are more susceptible to splitting.
Though not a root crop, we grew kohlrabi. Right after the natural rain almost all the kohlrabi split. This something we will keep in mind for the next rain and take steps to protect the kohlrabi.