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dreams with lots of naked people, sex and a scooter

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Last night I had a dream and i wrote it down first thing this morning - before I would forget it.  When i was done writing, I remembered doing something similar about ten years ago.  Did I post that dream to meaningless drivel?  ...  looking ... looking .... nope.  

I guess it makes sense.  Posting this sort of thing certainly makes me vulnerable to haters.  Who needs that shit.

And now I am taking that risk. A bit of silly fun.  What the hell.

I'm starting off with what I wrote down in 2008:

In my dream I had a scooter.  I loved my scooter.  I lived in a quiet, beautiful city and the city would go by at just the right speed and there would be just the right amount of wind in my hair.  And my scooter would fold up into a guitar case, which I could carry around.

I lived in an apartment in a big, beautiful building.  It had an enormously wide staircase.  I really liked using those stairs.  I shared the building with a lot of nice people.  They would wave and say "Hi."  Even more so when I happened to be carrying something that looked like a guitar case.

On the bottom floor of the building it's all sorts of open.  As far as they eye can see.  There are lots of interesting places to sit and visit.  One day, I'm sitting at a small table by myself thinking about my scooter and this lovely building.  A huge vehicle pulls up to my table.  That's never happened before.  A fella sitting not too far away says "Oh!  It's that famous movie star!" and I knew which one he means.  I caught a glimpse of her.  She's really cute and chubby.  I guess most people look worse when they're chubby - but not this gal. Well, she and all of her people are probably going to need a few tables.  And mine is the closest.  I'll clear out and give them all some room.  So I've walked off a bit and I can hear her say to somebody "Where's the beautiful man that was sitting at that table?" and she points at the table I was sitting at.  So .... it's like that is it ....  While she goes to the other side of the vehicle, I go back to my table.  A fella comes out and gives me food - compliments of the movie star.  It's rice noodles and rice.  There isn't quite enough sauce, but maybe I'm too course to understand the finer things in life.

The college kids show up.  They've been gone for months.  It's always fun when they come back.  There's hundreds of them.  We all stand up to watch them pour into the building.  They're all full of life and fun.  They all wave and say "Hi".  I've wandered from my table a bit. The movie star comes out and says "Hi".  She's happy.

I wander down to another part of the building.  The college kids are all so happy.  They're making nests for themselves in the deeper nooks and crannies.  Mattresses on the floor and fabrics hung up to make something like a wall.  I think I catch a glimpse of a few of them chasing each other naked.  Those college kids.  I decide I should head back.  I see another set of lovely stairs, but they aren't my stairs. There is a college girl heading up the stairs and she stops for second - maybe to tie her shoe.  She's wearing a skirt and I can see her pink bits.  Oh my.

I walk on and see my scooter in it's guitar case.  I have a moment where I think about how much I love my scooter.  As I reach for it, my hand bumps into the breast of redheaded college girl.  I apologize. She asks me if I would like to "go over there" with her.  Okay.  About five seconds later, she turns into a college guy.  I tell him that I think I'm going to do something else.  "Okay."  And off he goes.

I go get my scooter.

I'm not sure what exactly happens next, but somehow I end up on enormous train.  With my scooter.  And all of us on the train are part of a race.  The race is much easier if you take the train.  I know I have an advantage in this race because I have a scooter.  And I love my scooter.

Somebody forgot something so we have to turn the train around and go back.  That's a funny thing.  But sure enough we do it!  The guys driving the train must be really smart!  When we get back to the station, there are no other trains there, but apparently our train cannot stop because it isn't on the schedule.  Oh well, we tried. Back to the race!

That's all I can remember.  I sure loved that scooter.

I remember that the train is about seven times wider than a regular train.  The rails must be huge for such an utterly massive train.  And the train is super long.  I think there are about 2000 people on the train.  I remember that in order to turn the train around, we sorta become a little bit airborne.

And here is the dream from this morning

I was away from home for six months.  Six months with no sex.  I came home to a wife and have good sex.  It was quite nice.

Later that day I met a woman and brought her home (i have no idea where the wife was) and I had sex with her.  Much better sex!  The bed was such a mess I had a hard time getting the blankets back on correctly.

Later still I met yet another woman and brought her home (still no sign of the wife) and had really great sex.  The best sex ever.  This time all the blankets, sheets, and every other spec of bedding was wadded up in a huge knotted ball.  As the woman was leaving, my wife arrived home and I could hear the two of them chatting in the other room while I am trying to unball the bedding.  At the same time, my mind is reeling with what I will say to my wife.  Lies.  I live my life in a way that has zero lies - so what a freaky dream.

When I woke up, my first thought was:  what was different in the sex? What made sex much better or best ever?  Especially since the sex with the wife was actually quite good.  I think the first stranger was more enthusiastic and more playful. And the second stranger was even more playful - even silly and laughing.  A flood of joy and fun.  Wheeeeeee!

Back to the dream ... much later .... I am outside and I need to pee.  There is a restroom building - but rather than go in, I decide to just pee on the ground next to the building.  I'm about one second into peeing and a boy appears.  So I stop peeing and go inside.

Inside is a giant trough style urinal. But the trough is below ground level.  So your pee is gonna fall a ways.  And the opposite side, where your pee goes, is a mirror.  So you pee on the mirror.  And the mirror is angled so that it looks like you are peeing on stuff.  It looked like I was peeing on a toolbox.  But the toolbox was perfectly safe from all pee.

This forum is called "meaningless drivel".  And this stuff fits rather well.  

....    the dream from 2008 was at a time when I had no gal in my life.  And the dream from last night is when I have no gal in my life.   Maybe I need to have no gal in my life in order to have a dream worth writing down.  ??  

And, the important thing:  the movie star said i was a beautiful man.  :)

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paul wheaton wrote:

This forum is called "meaningless drivel".  And this stuff fits rather well.  

I think Freud and the film director/artist David Lynch would disagree that such documentation and musings are meaningless drivel, but as noted perhaps the most appropriate forum at the moment.  Even if one feels that private dreams/nightmares are personal and very subjective, they can provide the subconscious motivational foundation for acts of great humanity......as well as terrifying atrocity.  Laying bare (no pun intended?) one's dreams, desires, and obsessions in a vulnerable way often is a first step towards recognizing the basis for those motivations that enable a good life for us as well as those more dis-abling.
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Firstly, how do you manage to remain asleep for the entire encounter? I always wake up just as things get really interesting.

Secondly, shouldn't this sort of thing be a PEP badge? The badge level would increase based upon number of partners, difficulty of positions and unique use of accessories. The iron badge would require the presence of a pumpkin and a schnauzer.
paul wheaton
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I don't always stay asleep.  

I do remember other dreams, but I guess they have not had enough detail to write down.
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So are the willow feeders getting mirrors now?
paul wheaton
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Jordan Holland wrote:So are the willow feeders getting mirrors now?

We did get a bunch of mirrors for projects for the half assed holiday "the day of light" - but no, none of those are going to any of the willow feeders.
J. Graham
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paul wheaton wrote:

Jordan Holland wrote:So are the willow feeders getting mirrors now?

We did get a bunch of mirrors for projects for the half assed holiday "the day of light" - but no, none of those are going to any of the willow feeders.

They would have been a bitch to clean anyway! I guess that's what dreams are for.
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I once had a dream about Vikings and lesbians. I blogged about it here: Viking Dream But for your convenience, here's a copy/paste:

"OK, so I had this dream one night last week in which I was a person participating in something like a “Society for Creative Anachronism/Historical Medieval Battles” competition, but it was all Viking. It took me this long to post it here; a version has appeared on Facebook.

Anyway, the dream. In order to join this “Society for Creatively Anachronistic Historical Medieval Battles” you and your Viking-wannabe friends have to band together, get involved in the competition, and if you're hacking and slaying, looting and pillaging were sufficiently acceptable, you were in.

And my group apparently was already members, and we had an enjoyable time in this particular event which also had wannabe Vikings competing.

One such group of hopefuls was from a western NY human services org that caters to people with developmental disabilities. I used to work at this particular agency. However, these Viking wannabes were mostly, not entirely, but mostly, women. And “women can’t be Vikings” was one of the rules of the Society for Creatively Anachronistic Historical Medieval Battles. But they comported themselves well, and by any standards, save for the rule barring women from joining, they’d be a shoo-in for membership.

So, we were like, “Who’s gonna tell ’em they can’t join?”

“You tell ’em.”

“No, you tell, ’em.”

“Uh-huh. I ain’t gonna tell ’em!”

And so it went like this for awhile.

Off to the side observing all this was a group of lesbian feminists holding broadswords. Now, THAT’S disturbing dream imagery. Anyway, they were passing judgment on us, saying that we’re Neanderthals (“Uh, no, we’re VIKINGS! Neanderthals are in another Society…”) for doing all this hacking and slaying. They went on to say that they were offended by our society’s competition and were going to have it banned.

We didn’t particularly like this, and pointed out that we members of the Society for Creatively Anachronistic Historical Medieval Battles don’t just go around hacking and slaying, looting and pillaging.

“Oh?” asked the lesbian feminists, hands on the broadswords leaning up against their hips. “And just what else do you do?”

“We’re environmentalists!”

“What?” They were incredulous.

“Sure! While we’re out there in the forest, hacking and slaying, looting and pillaging, we’re not just keeping track of blood-volume spilled and a body count. We’re observing tree growth, animal migratory behavior and deer herd numbers!”

They still seemed incredulous, but didn’t respond.

Two of our members quietly discussed the situation and were heard saying, “We can solve this right away at once; we can tell the human services people that we need ‘further evidence of their prowess’ and so they’ll have to take on the lesbian broadsworders. We won’t tell the lesbians anything, they’ll have no choice but to defend themselves. They look pretty handy with those broadswords…”

“That’s what freaks me out,” interrupted the other.

“…and the other people should be able to take out most of them, while losing many of their own. Afterwards, the surviving lesbians will just go their own way, leaving us alone, and whoever’s left from human services will probably change their minds about joining!”


And with that, the dream ended as I tend to naturally awaken daily at 6AM, plus or minus a few minutes.

Now bear in mind that this was a dream and not indicative of my personal opinions of human service organizations, lesbian feminists, Vikings and anyone who enjoys a good broadsword, blood and guts. I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for anything my subconscious dredges up.

It was an odd dream. I’ll try to post odd ones now and then, they’re at least entertaining. I think I was reasonably accurate in relating this one, Lord only knows what didn’t survive the awakening.

There really is a “Society for Creative Anachronism;” they usually dress up as medieval knights and such and go jousting, or something. There is also an “Historical Medival Battles” organization. From what I can tell from Facebook and You Tube it is a sporting competition where guys dress up as medieval knights, enter a ring like is used in boxing or mixed-martial arts, and beat the living heck out of each other with swords. They do wear lot of padding. It is very popular in Europe, especially so in Russia and Eastern Europe.

The SCA allows women members, the HMB probably has a women’s combat division, for all I know. There is no such organization that combines the two names, and banning women is sexist, anyway. I’m not even going to explore why that attitude showed up in my dream."

My dreams are usually this well-scripted; typically they're weirder and don't translate well to the written or spoken word. Historical Medieval Battles are also a thing; popular in Europe, especially in Russia. They have YouTube Channels.

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I have had dreams in my life that were just odd. The two dream that Paul had dealt with intentional community the first one it on a big scale and the last very small community. Having listened to over 240 of Paul's pod casts and reading
Building a Better World in Your Backyard (here is a link to the book https://permies.com/wiki/122611f426/Building-World-Backyard-physical-book ). I know that Paul Wheaton is into intentional community. For me the only intentional community experience was living in the dormitory when I was at college. I lived in the dorms for all of my time in college.

The middle part of the first dream did read like when people are moving into the dorms at the beginning of the year. A lot of things going on and people are setting up there rooms. Noodles are eaten a lot ( Ramen noodles) when I was in college and the sauce can be a little thin.

Last bit.

On some urinals in men's bathrooms there is a fly. This fly is etched on to the urinal to help with "aiming". Maybe the "peeing on the toolbox" is your subconscious telling your that something needs to be fixed?
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