Hi permies software mods,
I'm trying to update my signature, but it's now limiting my character limit to 255 - even smaller than it currently is at 448. The forum software is telling me that the character limit for my signature is 766. I'm trying to update it for a signature of only 473 characters but it's not letting me past 255 characters. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the reply Paul. I don't mind buying pie to extend my signature character length to 1000 characters.
However, it appears that there might be a software bug either on the frontend reporting of what the signature character limit is (sans pie) or on the backend signature limit itself (sans pie):
My current signature is 448 characters. The attempt to change my signature to 473 characters is being blocked by a real backend (not displayed) limiter of 255 characters when the displayed frontend limiter says the limit is 766 characters.
Is my current signature length of 448 characters a result of being grandfathered back when I had earned pie?
What is the meaning of the displayed frontend 766 character limit and how does that relate to the actual backend 255 character limit?