Hi everyone, I am developing my small farm along the coast of Murcia in southern Spain into a food forest. One of the more exotic species I still have on my list to try is Casava. Anybody here in Spain that has Casava and could make some cuttings available (since you cannot grow Casava from seed)?
You might try asking african immigrant communities in Spain. There are a lot of West Africans who might have brought cassava to grow, if it will grow in Spain.
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
Thank you both for the useful feedback. I am not familiar with Discord but will have a look. Visited a number of African and South American shops (which are a great source for exotic planting material) but no luck yet with Casava.
I lived in Africa for most of my life, why do you want to grow Casava, it does not have half the goodness and nutrients etc of Maize meal / corn on the cob ?
I am looking for some land in Spain to cultivate if you know of any in your area