posted 3 years ago
Honestly, my knowledge is more wildlife-based; pig � knowledge is from Vet programs on TV and Google research.
If a vet is involved, they need to follow-up and look deeper for a cause.
Is there any umbilical swelling? Fever indicates infection (viral, bacterial, etc.). My first thoughts would be coccidia and or pneumonia; if pneumonia. Put your ear to their chest wall, throat, breast bone, ALL OVER to listen for wheezing, crackling, type sounds. Can you check the humidity? Too low or too high can cause issues. Is there too much ammonia at piglet height?
Coccidia is treated as an infection, but
I think it is actually a protozoa...and can run through infants with fearful rapidity and mortality.
Lorinne Anderson: Specializing in sick, injured, orphaned and problem wildlife for over 20 years.