Be sure to try some pears as well, including Asians. They have done better for us than apples under minimal management, wouldn’t quite call it stun, though.
Also look around for those ditch apples mentioned by Matt, they will give you a clue as to how well yours will work out.
Took a lot of observation to figure out apples don’t work well at our elevation. Too hot and too much disease. Cedar apple rust will completely defoliate them, not quite kill them, but just keep them weak enough to where they don’t grow or produce well without management. Just a little further up in elevation I start to see ditch apples that produce with no care at all. You are probably near that line.
Rocky soil also helps deter
voles which love soft loam. You might mix in some gravel when you backfill your holes, a tip I got from a
local grower. I also planted daffodils around them as some said that helps.