It is not clear to me that Athena puts this structure on the road the way some "tiny home on wheels" folks would. They may have only expected to use it's "on wheels" aspect to resituate "on property"...
This is a totally reasonable use-case.
Regarding the OP seeking sheer strength from this... my own
experience with clay plaster suggests that it would be hard to get much if any shear strength that way. Perhaps using expanded metal lath (as for plaster) secured to framing would provide good shear strength in itself, but anything less (
chicken wire, hemp fabric, etc) would probably not provide much, and very likely not
enough to prevent mechanical damage to the plaster embedded in it.
I have ideated on natural building materials for mobile structures and have accepted that A) I'd need to use something more positive for shear (criss-cross strap/wire in every wall) and I'd plan to re-surface any earthen plasters after a significant move. I have considered staggered 2x4 wall-joists with clay-straw infill and clay plaster finish internal and externally. But as pointed out above I think I'd probably go for expanded lath over the straw-clay infill to give the plaster as much rigid support as possible.
I'd love to hear anyone else's experiences/experiments here!