For years I have told canvassers flatly that I have already done my lifetime share. I never ever give money.
But I do several things to pull my weight in the community. About half a mile of beach view is kept free of english ivy by my efforts and I build several temporary beach access steps every year. Winter storms wipe them out every year. A small forest of Gary oak was engulfed in ivy and dying off before I began clearing and maintaining it 10 years ago.
My greatest contribution has been in my choice of business. In 17 years of building recycling, I have recycled aprox 250 buildings which represent about 15,ooo tons reused and kept out of the landfill. I have turned several homes slated for demolition into movers and saved them intact. My family lived in one for 14 years.
My latest plan involves rewarding others who do a lot by giving them a free vacation on my bus. There's a guy who cleans trash from the beaches every day. A
volunteer group teaches people about composting,
energy conservation and other worthwhile endevors. The
newspaper often has stories about those who have given to their community. I expect to include 10 or more volunteers per week on mini vacations. I'm asking the heads of many organizations to nominate their best volunteers to recieve this
gift. This will allow me to help these organizations with very little out of pocket expense.