posted 2 years ago
The Tiny Ads Copy are an endless source of amusement to me, and I have never wanted to be advertised to so much in my life as I do at Permies. Over the months that I've been reading these tiny ads, sharing them with my husband, and marveling at their variety and hilariousness, I have become convinced that the writers behind them are not only really fun folks, but also geniuses who know everything. I've seen chemistry, Monty Python references, outrageous ideas, weird funny questions, pop culture references and slang from many decades, preposterous suggestions, snippets of song lyrics, everything. The tiny ads are one of my favorite things about this site. My highest compliments to those involved in coming up with those.
Thank you for making the world's best advertisements!
“Every human activity is an opportunity to bear fruit and is a continual invitation to exercise the human freedom to create abundance...” ― Andreas Widmer