The best way I have found to remove the seeds is to use a kitchen strainer.
I use a plastic strainer with holes that are a bit smaller than the seeds, (but not too much smaller or it is too hard to get the pulp through)
First I put the strainer on a large bowel, pot, crockpot,etc. , one large
enough for the strainer to sit on top.
Then I fill it maybe halfway with fruit.
I've tried different ways to squish the pulp through, but the best way I've found so far is to put my hand in a small plastic container, like a sour cream container.
Then basically just smash and squish the fruit through the strainer using the bottom of the small plastic container. I used to use my bare hand or a soup bowl to
push the pulp through, but it was so messy and sticky and pulp would end up all over the place.
The majority of the skins and seeds will stay in the strainer and the pot underneath fills with pulp. Pick out any seeds, etc. that got through.
A simple recipe for freezer jam:
(2) quarts persimmon pulp
(1) cup sugar
(1) cup orange juice
Put on low heat and let it heat to the point where it is starting to bubble, stirring every few minutes.
Store in small containers in the freezer. I use it like
apple butter.
I use mine directly out of the freezer, but some
should keep in the refrigerator for a 2-3 weeks at least.