Lol I thought someone dropped a human baby off on your doorstep.
I am allergic to cats but my elderly neighbor has a bunch. She said at week 4 you
should mix dry food with formula and make a slushy mixture, and te following week you can give them more kibble that you mix with
water. At 7 weeks they can eat all solid food.
For gender determination--on a girl, it looks like an upside down exclamation mark and on a boy it looks like a colon punctuation mark. There will be some lumps in the testicle area on boys a little later on.
You can deworm at 3 weeks, then week 4, 6, 8.
I had a similar thing happen years ago, momma cat gave birth and left a kitten in my garage. I gave it tuna and water all the time and it decided I was it's mom. I thought of keeping it as an outside cat but we had coyotes, rattlesnakes in the fields, rat snakes, and other predators and the heat was awful, so I used tuna to coax it into a box, got in the car and sneezed down to the
shelter with him or her (never knew which). Beautiful green eyes, hopefully the lil cutie got adopted.