My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
we have to forest our farms and farm our forests
My project thread
Agriculture collects solar energy two-dimensionally; but silviculture collects it three dimensionally.
we have to forest our farms and farm our forests
Live long, Live free and Love every minute!
I presume by DE you mean diamatatious earthChris Griffin wrote:Yes! Get some smaller capsules, I think "0" size. They will each hold about 2 grams of COWP. Then find the smallest bolus stick to administer them with. I forgot where I got mine, but it was on the internet through a little searching. I did find that when I started I had to use cydectin sheep drench on a few of our ewes, but not until after giving them a bolus. Based on anemia levels (eyelid color or gums (FAMACHA)). We have also had to use Iron injections to get up the red blood cell count. Sheep and goats can handle quite a lot of iron, but check with your Vet for a suggested dose. The minimum we use is 3 grams. The Vet book for sheep and goats suggests up to 10 grams. I have noticed that using COWP you don't kill the BP worms to fast, so you don't shock the animal. Once we got the little buggers under control we have had one of the healthiest flocks in the area. That has had my phone going off constantly with questions on why my animals are not affected by BP worms. A lot of the old timers though aren't open to change and think that I am doing something else besides COWP and DE.
we have to forest our farms and farm our forests
Live long, Live free and Love every minute!
Live long, Live free and Love every minute!
we have to forest our farms and farm our forests
we have to forest our farms and farm our forests
Just the other day, I was thinking ... about this tiny ad:
turnkey permaculture paradise for zero monies