We have our own goats'
milk and easy access to as much raw cows' milk as we want so I've been making cheese for a while now. However, it has been just soft cheese or a hard-pressed farmhouse style of cheddar both achieved by warming the milk to 30C/86F, adding a little rennet, leaving overnight, draining off the whey, salting and eating (in the case of the soft cheese, maybe with garlic or herbs added) or pressing in my drainpipe mould with a bottle of port and a bicycle inner tube! However, I'd like to be more adventurous but whenever I look for the 'additives' (eg Penicillium Candidum, Geotrichum Candidum, Penicillium Roqueforti) I can only seem to find industrial quantities and I get scared. There must be lots of cheesemakers out there - what do you guys do?