This afternoon, around 5 pm I was sitting in the
lawn swing by the newly dug area of the
pond ..Joel calls "the cove"....barely swinging..being lulled to sleep by some intoxicating fragrance..smells sweet, kinda like hay..but not sure what it is.
there is a cool breeze and I'm nearly in z
land when I open my eyes and staring right at me, from the other side of the
pond is a doe, nursing a little tiny spotted fawn, nearby another
deer standing there..not sure if it was a doe or not or if there were more fawns..our girls usually have twins.
she watched me, i spoke softly to her, the fawn played and then nursed again, and then she walked slowly toward the cover of the woods to the North..I just sat there about another 1/2 hour, barely awake, enoying every second...with the turtles, frogs,
dragon and damsel flies..what a beautiful sunny hot day.