Rares Pop wrote:Dear fellows,
1. What dimensions to consider in one pond, how deep should they be, how wide. I would also like to be able to farm some fish in them.
2. Would it be enough to seal the ponds by compacting the clay in the soil? If so please advise on what mechanical equipment would do the job at this scale. Also, how would I seal the sides of the pond?
3. Would rain water be enough or should I also consider extracting water with pumps from a well?
4. Anything else a newbie should consider pertinent to this project ?
Thank you,
I think one of the main concerns in deciding on the size/depth of a pond is that it not freeze solid in the winter. This is especially important for raising fish.
Where I live, 18 inches / 45 cm is plenty, but for you you may need to go down 3 ft / 1m or more to prevent freezing.
Check ponds near you this winter if possible to determine what is appropriate for your area.
As for clay in the soil, it really depends on what percentage of clay there is, amount of average rainfall,etc. What scale do you imagine you will want?
Seal the sides the same way as the bottom. To do this you have to make sure the sides are not too steep. Make long slopes to the bottoms, not steep like
a bowl. This will also help to keep animals from being trapped in your ponds.
Take some of the clay soil and put it in a
bucket with numerous holes drilled in the bottom, put water in, see how long it takes the water to drain out.
This will give you an idea of how well the
native clay soil will hold water.
Try to use rainwater to be the main if not the only supply. This makes the most sense. Pumping requires
energy. Design the surrounding landscape so that run off is directed
towards ponds.