This is a simple one, but maybe it will help someone.
I want to bring some new chicks on, and I only have 3 old hens left, and none are broody, so incubating will be the easiest route for me. I bought a new incubator, and it has good reviews for the most part. Someone did mention that the surface the chicks hatch onto is slippery and can lead to splayed leg in your chicks. I considered using
cardboard, cutting out a circle the correct size and separating one side so the chicks would hatch onto the corrugated side of the cardboard. There are a couple drawbacks to that. I don't want to have to make a new, clean one every time I want to hatch some chicks. I'm concerned the cardboard could harbor bacteria. Mostly, I wanted a more permanent solution.
I thought about taking my dremel and a small disk and cutting fine lines into the plastic, but it may be hard to clean effectively if the grooves were too deep, or too narrow. Finally I decided on simple sand paper. I tested a couple spots on the bottom unused surface to see how it would work. I settled on 60 grit for now, but may grab a piece of 40 grit to rough the surface even more. I think 60 grit will work, but I'm undecided just yet. The surface is much more "sticky" now and the scratches are shallow
enough that it washes up easily.
Here are a couple pictures of the incubator I bought, and the process. None of this is an endorsement of this brand incubator, or the process i used. It's just to put it out there for people to take a look at. If someone has another idea, I would love to see it.