The total cost to me was just shy of $10,000. The Australian Government paid an additional $4000 as part of some sort of renewable
energy scam scheme.
We get paid 31c for every excess kilowatt hour we put back into the grid (we pay 33c per kilowatt hour down here!). On a sunny day, it seems to do about 25kW/Hrs. We seem to be putting back in about double what we consume, which is good.
For anyone interested in off-grid solutions, I strongly recommend that you check out the recent pair of shows
Steven Harris did on
The Survival Podcast. He created a website for the
project (including links to the two podcast episodes): Whilst he is not an advocate of solar power, this still gives a very good grounding in batteries, chargers, regulators, and inverters. He also lists a bunch of the products he uses on Amazon, which is no use to me, but any of you Americans
should revel in how cheap this stuff is for you! We pay approximately twice as much for batteries, for example.