My name is Satora and a friend just told me about this forum today. I was co-organizer and an interpreter of the
Sepp Holzer tour in WA earlier this year. It was a life-changing event for me and
led me to start my own little Holzer
Permaculture project and a seed retail business offering heirloom and herb seeds and Holzer
Permaculture inspired seed mixtures.
The important thing about seed mixtures is to always use deep, medium and shallow rooting plants to activate as much of the soil as possible and because they all have different functions in the plant community.
I want to add some plants to your lists.
Sepp uses a lot of legumes for soil improvement/nitrogen . Because his soil is often very poor, he plants cover crop/ green manure mixes for 2-3 years, then the soil will be fertile
enough to plant fruit
trees. He just leaves the cover crops and doesn't mow them, because he's got lot's of snow in winter that does the work for him. Also this way most plants reseed themselves. Such a mixture would be:
Melilot (Sweet Clover, Melilotus)
root veggies such as Jerusalem artichoke, rutabaga, turnip
Other cover crop plants
Fava beans
Clovers (Trifolium pratense, subterraneum, hybridum, repens, incarnatum, resupinatum, alexandrinum; Anthyllis vulneraria, Lotus corniculatus...)
sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)
Rape (brassica napus)
Phacelia tanacetifolia
He loves chicory, the wild flower and other varieties.
Cornflowers (I have lots of cornflowers with my corn and peas. Looks pretty, everything grows great and the
bees love it)
He uses lots of herbs such as
Calendula (can't have enough calendula)
Garden Angelica
Horehound common
Mugwort/ Common Wormwood
Orange Mullein
Ononis spinosa
St. John’s Wort
White Yarrow
to name just a few
Needless to say, I offer a lot of those seeds. Some I haven't found yet or they are just too expensive here.
I also have a great fall/winter seedmixture with veggies, herbs and wildflowers for fall/winter/spring harvest.
Oh, and a another great grain to plant in fall is spelt.
To add veggies to the list
He told me to plant lots of carrots (I have heavy clay soil) together with turnips and all the other stuff. Lots of radishes, too.
He loves Jerusalem Artichoke and told me to plant lots of that, too. (You can just plant the ones you buy at the food coop/ health food store)
One more thought about the stinging
nettles - they are great for
compost tea or however you call that brew (fill vessel with nettles, add water, stir daily, let sit for appr. 3 weeks. Stinks, but is great as fertilizer and for plant health. Comfrey, horsetail, White yarrow can be added for plant health.)
Enough for today.