Coydon Wallham wrote:
Reid Robison wrote:here are a couple favorite quotes from One Straw Revolution:
"when it is understood that one loses joy and happiness in the effort to possess them, the essence of natural farming will be realized"
"nature is in constant transition, changing from moment to moment. people cannot grasp nature's true appearance. the face of nature is unknowable. trying to capture the unknowable in theories and formalized doctrines is like trying to catch the wind in a butterfly net."
definitely some words to grapple with. because the whole point of them is to see where they are pointing, and then let those words go. we cannot understand the unknowable through thinking.
this book is beyond farming. it's connecting Buddhist philosophy into farming. bringing the omniscient knowledge of nature into the way we live our lives.
Does Fukuoka talk about Buddhism directly anywhere? I'm not familiar with any Buddhist tracts specifically, but that second quote sounds like pure Daoism to me. Apart from Lao Tzu being as far from a farmer as is possible that is...
Reid Robison wrote: i am fermenting some blueberries.
Beau Davidson wrote:I'm told you took this video, Reid. Thanks for taking the time. It's good to see the timber tool in action.
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