What are some alternative
feed stocks? I don't have a ready supply of most organics, but it seems nitrogen and
carbon is what is needed:
Any organic material can be anaerobically digested including manure from any type of animal.
Chicken, cow and pig manures are commonly used for biogas because they have a good natural
C:N ratio. Collect the manure in a container and crush it so that there are no large chunks
(especially when using dry manure). Add water and mix together until it forms a thin slurry of a
consistency that can be poured into the digester (about 50% water, 50% manure). Depending on
ambient temperatures and slurry mixtures, you may need to wait seven to ten days for gas
production to begin.
So how about
cardboard and
urine? Seriously, I have plenty of both, and a constant supply of more. I am
city bound, and apt to stay that way, and have honestly had a hard time getting any free organics other than autumn leaves. Any other ideas?