went out to fill and turn our
compost pile the other day..we also sheet compost so i hadn't been back to the pile for a while..and i was totally surprised to find it was growing huge huge huge vegetables !!!
there is a large rhubarb plant (thanks to the neighbor who moved all her rhubarb and tossed her bits in our pile..guess i'll have to dig that puppy out and move it..
there was a bunch of potato plants..also likely thanks to the neighbor (we did give them "permission" to use our compost pile for their veggie scraps..and
yard scraps that don't have any chemicals in them..
and there was also a bunch of vine..i don't know what they are..but i'll let them grow and bear fruit..maybe they'll be something decent?? not likely..but it won't hurt to let them go this year..and see..they are HUGE !!! so i just fed a corner that wasn't growing anything and we'll wait until frost to turn this pile and pull out the taters and rhubarb plant..to relocate..
funny it is close to my potato plot so i don't have to go to far to harvest them all at once