from the Swanson Vitamins website
restricted ingredients they may contain:
* Aconitum species (napellum and others)
* Adonis
* Angelica
* Arnica (oral)
* Arrowroot
* Balloon Flower
* Baneberry
* Barberry (Berberis vulgaris)
* Bayberry
* Belladonna
* Betel Nut
* Bittersweet
* Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
* Black Cohosh
* Blood
* Blue Cohosh
* Bryonia alba (White Bryony)
* Calabar Bean
* Calamus
* Calotropis
* Camphor
* Castor Oil Plant
* Celandine (Chelidonium majus)
* Chaparral
* Cinchona officinalis
* Colchicum chichum (Autumn crocus)
* Coltsfoot
* Comfrey
* Conium maculatum
* Convallaria
* Coonties Seeds
* Cramp Bark (Virbunum opulus)
* Croton tiglium
* Daffodil
* Daphne
* Devil Pepper
* Dogbane
* Dong Quai
* Ephedra
* Euphorbium Officinarum
* Folic Acid >1000 mcg per Day
* Foxglove
* Fritillaria
* Gelsemium sempervirens
* Germander
* Ginkgo Biloba (Fruit & Seeds)
* Golden Ragwort
* Hellebore
* Helonias (False Unicorn)
* Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
* Horse Chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum)
* Ibuprofen >400mg
* Ignatia
* Jessamine
* Jimson Weed (Stramonium)
* Juniper Berries
* Lantana
* Levodopa
* Liferoot
* Lily of the Valley
* Lithium
* Lobelia
* Magnolia officinalis
* Male Fern
* Mandrake
* Melatonin
* Mezereon
* Micranthum Oil
* Mistletoe
* Mountain Grape
* Mountain Laurel (Kalmia)
* Naproxen >440 mg
* Oregon Grape
* Parsley Oil
* Pennyroyal
* Peony
* Petroselinum sativum
* Phytolacca decandra
* Platycodon
* Pleurisy Root
* Poison Oak (Rhus toxicodendron)
* Poke Root (Pokeweed)
* Probiotics/Acidophilus
* Progesterone
* Ragwort
* Ruta graveolens
* Rye Ergot
* Sabadilla
* Sage oil
* Sanguinaria canadensis
* Sassafras
* Savin Oil
* Scoparius
* Slippery Elm
* Sowbread
* Squill
* Stephania
* Strophanthus
* Tansy Oil
* Thuja
* Thyroid
* Tonka Bean
* Tryptophan >220mg and Topical
* Uva Ursi (Bearberry)
* Virginia Snakeroot
* Viscum Album
* Vitamin A >10000 IU
* Vitamin D >1000 IU/Day
* Vitamin K >120 mcg
* Wintergreen
* Wormseed
* Yohimbe
Restricted p