Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Bloom where you are planted.
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Idle dreamer
Idle dreamer
Medicinal herbs, kitchen herbs, perennial edibles and berries: https://mountainherbs.net/ grown in the Blue Mountains, Australia
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Jaimee Gleisner wrote:Can you link your thread or give me the title? Thanks!
The roots of trees don't like the air pockets? I keep looking at this one diagram of an HK bed with a small tree on it...
Vic Johanson
"I must Create a System, or be enslaved by another Man's"--William Blake
Matu Collins wrote:I have been misunderstanding hugelkultur, I thought it was a good way to get a forest garden going because it encourages beneficial fungus and holds water.
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Jaimee Gleisner wrote: It seems the consensus is to plant next to the bed
Idle dreamer
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Bloom where you are planted.
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Bloom where you are planted.
Embarking on my edible landscape adventure!
Bloom where you are planted.
"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you." ~Maori Proverb
Jaimee Gleisner wrote:Will it work to plant fruit trees on an HK bed? Would this be beneficial to the trees as it is to other plants or would it cause problems with their root systems as the bed settles over the years? Would it be better to plant trees next to the HK bed instead? If so, what types of plants would make sense to plant on the HK bed next to my trees?
NON ASSUMPSIT. I am by no means an expert at anything. Just a lucky guesser.
Whatever it takes to dodge a time clock.
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. But if you read my tiny ad, I might change my mind.
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