5th Annual Santa Barbara Community Seed Swap
Sunday, January 29, 2023
11am - 4pm, FREE - Rain or Shine!
A celebration to bring seeds & people together
Santa Barbara Community Arts
Workshop (SBCAW)
631 Garden St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Join us for the 15th Annual Santa Barbara Community Seed Swap! The event takes place at the Santa Barbara Community Arts Center (SBCAW) in downtown Santa Barbara, with both indoor and outdoor space, rain or shine!
Hundreds attend this free event every year sharing seeds and knowledge with other backyard gardeners, plant lovers, beekeepers, farmers and more. Come be a part of this seed saving movement, making sure locally adapted seeds & plants are passed on to future generations. Free seeds offered to help gardeners get started.
Local groups will have seed & plant related exhibits. Live music, and kids activities throughout the day.
Once again we will honor a Local Food Hero, this year the award goes to veteran Los Osos Valley organic farmer Larry Kandarian of Kandarian Organic Farms, who grows ancient grains & legumes, and practices exemplary soil care. Join us for an award ceremony at 1pm.
Bring seeds, plants, cuttings, and garden knowledge to swap.
Don't have these? Then come get seeds. Seeds to sow, seeds to grow, seeds to harvest. Seeds to save and share next year.
Activities for all ages.
Music that will have your toes tapping.
Plant and seed-related exhibits from local groups
Special speakers throughout the day.
A gathering of garden friends old and new.
Seed saving is a fun and easy way to connect to the circle of life.
A Community Event Hosted by Santa Barbara
Permaculture Network
Co-Sponsored by Explore Ecology, Island Seed &
Feed, Blue Sky
Biochar, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, and Santa Barbara Aquaponics.
More Info:
Margie@sbpermaculture.org, (805) 962-2571
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