Fred Tyler wrote:Here's more photos from the next steps of the bee bubbler build.
I tied the pump to a rock so it would be raised off the bottom surface of the barrel. Then, it may not get as much sediment clogging it.
I crudely shaped a couple of pieces of mesh from the scrap yard to be a shelf for the gravel. In Alan Booker's design the whole container is filled with gravel. I figured I'd use less gravel this way.
When the gravel reached the top of the barrel, I added a piece of stainless screen. The gravel itself will be enough to keep mosquitoes from breeding in the fountain. I'm hoping this added screen will help keep debris from entering the barrel.
I added a couple more inches of gravel to hide the screen from view.
Next, I'll add some gravel and flagstones around the outside of the barrel. Over the middle of the barrel, I'll add stack of rocks for the water to cascade down making micro pools where the bees can safely drink.
Felicia Rain wrote:
Fred, why not cut the top half of the barrel off, or more? Since you are only using the top portion instead of using the screen to create a shelf for the gravel? You could still leave enough room for the pump?
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