I thought I'd share this here since pretty much all of us either have a free supply of
nettles on our properties or know where to easily find some. People consider
nettles such a nuisance but they're so healthy. They're loaded with vitamins, minerals and health benefits for allergies, inflammation, blood sugar, prostate health, so much more -- far part most wild or cultivated plants.
We eat them cooked in season as a spinach substitute and use them for teas and infusions (I drank nettle infusions every day when I was battling C**** in early 2020), but I also make nettle seasoning salt as an easy way to get their benefits all winter. All I do is grind dried nettles and then mix them with some sea salt, dried garlic (can use dried ramps too) and pepper, then put them in a reused spice jar. I use them on
chicken, fish, potatoes, rice, soups, stews, eggs, you name it.
The taste is very mild and it's a great way to
boost the flavor and benefits of any dish.