Hello everyone,
I've been lurking for a while and learning a lot. Now I have some questions.
I'm interested in buying some property in a remote high-desert area. It doesn't get a lot of rain, about 11.5 inches a year, plus about a foot of snow. Based on my current utility bills, I use between 500 - 600 gallons of
water a month. I found information on the
UofAz website that says the formula for how much rainwater you collect is (roof area) * (inches of rainfall) * 0.623 = water in gallons. Based on that information I believe I need at least an 1100 ft² collection area.
So, my idea was basically to build a water house kind of thing that houses the storage cisterns a few feet off the ground. Then there would be a smaller cistern that the storage cisterns filter into as the water is used. I made a very, very rough model in Google SketchUp (attached). The current model is a square building, but in reality it would probably be round and made from
cob. It has three 2500 gallon cisterns. I chose those because they seemed to offer the most value. I can get plastic 2500 gallon cisterns for around $950 a piece. The smaller cistern that it filters into is 50 gallons. The filter would be made from sand and
carbon. The walls are pretty high, almost 16', which is what I am most concerned about. In the current model the walls are 2 ft thick. It also has an 8 pitch square hip roof with a total area of around 1550 ft².
The majority of the rain falls between July and October, inclusive. The other eight months of the year rainfall is less than an inch a month and sometimes less than half an inch. Based on the UofAz site's formula, I believe during the driest month it
should collect around 400 gallons. (The total for the year would be around 11,000 gallons.)
At this point, I know a sum total of zero about building anything. I was wondering if this seems feasible, or am I totally thinking wrong on this? Being able to get sufficient water from rain is a major factor in whether or not I will buy this property.