I've lived with caragana since I was a kid. The seeds don't taste very good, but the blossoms sure do! We kids used to strip them and eat them all the time, they are sweet like
honey. I love this plant. It does need a good cold winter, so that may be why people on the west coast have less success with this one. Maybe plant it in the coldest spot you can find and hope. It's been my
experience that
deer (we have both mule and whitetail here) do not bother it at all.
Rabbits, squirrels, etc, seem to eat it. I've always just dug some up from somebody else's
yard, then it spreads all by itself. Doesn't even seem to matter what time of year you dig it out. I am going to try some cuttings this year and see how it goes. I don't think I could every have too much caragana. It's far prettier than lilac, too, and useful. It does produce a LOT of pods, about the size of sweet pea pods, so I think if the
chickens like it, you could pick it and store easily. 36% protein is nothing to pass up, IMO. I wonder if you could sprout it before feeding to increase nutrition.