posted 1 month ago
A cord can be woven on an inkle loom too - the weft is always inserted from the same side, passing below all the warps as the shed is changed. I'm right-handed, so I choose to weave from the right-hand edge. Either side works as long as the insertion stays consistent.
If the warp is striped, as the weaving progresses, the colours will spiral around the cord.
Start with a short length of tubular as above, switch to regular flat, then another tube at the end - a dab of glue on the tube parts - Presto! shoelaces. The ends can also be bound using a method that has a long loop which is then wrapped over towards the loop end, then the binding end is passed through the loop and the length at the starting point of the wrapping is pulled to make the finishing end snug underneath the binding. Hope that's clear! I must admit, I did give in eventually and use shrink tube to encase the ends - repurposed purchase from the electronics store.
Life's too short, eat desert first! [Source of quote unknown]