We have not had chocolate syrup in the house in over 30 years.
It just did not taste the same as when we were young.
Liz was lamenting the other night that although she had this great Goat vanilla ice cream it could just be a little bit better with chocolate syrup!
A search
online quickly found a recipe, Duh of course!
In about 30 minutes I had a batch finished.
Oh My, why did we wait?
Homemade Dark chocolate Syrup is good stuff!
Comparing it to the current ingredient list on the Hershey syrup label, I think from now on, I'll make my own.
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup granulated sugar (I used organic cane sugar)
1 cup powdered cocoa (I used dark cocoa)
A pinch of salt
1 cup cold
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix dry ingredients and add water, medium heat stirring constantly for 15 minutes.
After thickening, remove from heat, stir in vanilla, and let cool in the pan.
Pour into a jar and store in the fridge.